Beverly Front-Side Face Lift
The city has begun sending in contractors to clear debris at Beverly Park. They will be taking down and removing trees from park between the parking lot and the Power Line crossing. Therefore, the front section trails (north of the power lines) will be closed for a few weeks. All trail features have been marked off and noted so that they are avoided when removing trees and debris from the park. PLEASE AVOID USING THE PARKING LOT DURING THIS TIME.

There are also trees that the city has identified as needing to be removed in the back section of the park South of the power line. We will be having volunteer work days over the next few weeks to clean those up in these areas so that the city can officially open Beverly Park. Watch for these work days on the LAMBA Facebook page.
Once the park is officially open, LAMBA will be holding an event to celebrate all the hard work of getting the park back open. Stay tuned for details!